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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Strong Emotions can mask the feelings from with-in or in other words blocking your intuition. The Emotions may take hold in the mind and not let the awareness behind the mind do the leading in each choice or decision.

Emotions such as Anger, Fear, Anxiety, Hate, Pride, etc.

When such influences are present,it is like trying to savor the flavor of a strawberry while eating a jalapeno pepper. Both flavors are present, but one completely over powers the other.

The world is good at blocking our inner-awareness by inducing individuals to violate the true and correct laws of the universe.

Carma is exactly what it is, for every action there is a reaction. For every thought an emotion is born, both positive and negative.

We choose our thoughts, we are the creators of our reality, our destiny. By controlling the mind and learning the true and correct principles of the universe, we get exactly what we desire. Its all in the mind, learn and stud these laws and your world will change.

For every thought there is a seed planted, thing good things, dream, imagine, create.

Every human has the desire to create, It comes from with in, we were created and we desire to become closer closer to that power that in within.

Continually engaging in things or thoughts that bares the fruit of negative Carma, is deadening to intuition, conscience, and reason, blinding to reality. This is all over come by new or renewed awareness of thought and actions.

Be patient and obedient, let your mind meditate upon the true and correct laws.

Write your goals and affirmations, say them often or several times a day. Hold them in your mind, get them routed in your sub-cautious mind.

By careful practice, through the application of correct principles, and by being sensitive to the feelings that come, you will gain guidance from with-in.

The most important thing is to provide a place or time where you can let your intuition or inner-self be felt. Meditation is a great place, when you go there and feel it remember that if you can feel it for 1 sec, then you can feel it for 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, and learn to remain there and feel it always. This is life living it in an extraordinary way. Be willing to live extraordinary!

It good to talk to others about this and get new ideas and share ideas. Learn from others what has worked and try it. If it works keep it, it not try something else and keep what works. Keep trying and something will work.

Never tell yourself that you are unworthy, because you will live into that story. Always think that your worthy and then continue to seek divine guidance. Make your thoughts and actions around the correct principals of the universe, strive to become better and better.
Every day in every way, I get better get better!
Everyday I see the abundance everywhere, I see the stillness, Calmness, and the Peace.
I believe that we can have a pure intelligence from the source flowing into our being that will place sudden strokes of ideas into the mind.
I believe we can have that sensation of light or lightness placed upon our physical, mental, spiritual, emotional worlds. We exist in them all, all the time, at the same time.
Its important to learn and understand the four worlds that embody us because when one is out of alignment the others tend to follow. Keep in mind we only see the one world, the PHYSICAL world. It's very cool when you can grasp how much more there is then we can see and hear. Actually, we are limiting our vision of what is really taking place when we fail to recognize, experience and seek guidance for all of these worlds.

I once heard someone say that inspiration feels like sunshine. One word to try to describe the indescribable.

Continuing education is more like lightning a fire than filling the bucket. Light the fire, adding wood, burn baby burn. The flames are ever and ever increasing, sparks, smoke and ashes spread like a wild fire. Possibilities are endless, the impossible is now renewed in the vision as the possible. Creating the ever endless possibilities upon reality in our universe.

We each create our own universe and the experiences in it and it all starts in the thoughts. Garnish your thoughts, take hold of them and let them take you to worlds without end and experience the everlasting abundance, joy, peace, and happiness.

As I have sat back and watched the world, I try to put feeling into words, which is hard to do sometimes because words are very limiting to the experiences that are had, seen, felt, and envisioned. Each moment is a flash of reality that is ever and ever passing. I have learned that focus is key, what you focus on expands. You get more of it.

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