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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Meditation is outstanding!
Try it, see if it works! Try everything!

The more you grow and understand on the inside, the more the outside world changes and things get better and better ever day!

You can rewire your nervous system, develop siniptic pathways.
Believe that you can do it, Believe you can let your self go into a meditative state.

The impulse to create is a spiritual, then it become a thought. When creation becomes a focused clear thought then it becomes a feeling and its on the way into the physical world.

All creation come from love! Love everything share it! Smile, Laugh, say the funny things!

With-in every man and woman there is a force the can heal everything and can be used to heal ourselves. The same force can attract to us everything we can imagine and think of.

Lay or sit and totally relax, go through every part of your body naming each part and relaxing it. Breath deep, relax your mind, Deep breath and let all thought go.

Imagine being a leaf blowing in the wind.

Sleep takes us into the UN-manifested.

Imagine your body is a pillar of LIGHT,

Focus on Healing, Our bodies our natural healers. Reconnect with the natural healing power in your body.

We block it with stress, anxiety, anger, fear, negativity.

Reconnect and then run energy through your body with your breath imagine the energy going through your body making every perfect and as good made it PERFECT.

Breath it into any are of the body that has been wounded.

Give your pillar of Light a blue light shade, Blue is the color. ELLLLLLLLLLL

Do this to bring relationships and wealth.

Imagine purple violate to radiate out to help others in the world.

Everything we do is for the highest good of all, Everything I do is for the highest good of all!

Build your castle in the air and then clearly imagine where you want to be in five years, put it into a pink bubble and then let it go into the air using your energy you've run through your body. Let it go into the universe, let it go retrieve you your wildest dreams. Every thought works, Cancel the negative thoughts and get what you want, you dreams!

If you can not agree on something, go to them while they are sleeping and be honest with them and tell them how you feel. There will be a difference next time you see them and there will be better understanding of how you feel.

What ever you believe you achieve!!

Believe what you want and it's on the way!

I love myself
I am loved
I am confident
I am attracting to me everything I need.
I am now creating total financial abundance in an easy and relaxed manner in a positive and healthy way.

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