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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Let Your Light Shine

Our bodies are like a window frame and who we really are is the sun shinning through the window.

We are like the deepest blue dark ocean, and everything else is similar to the little waves on the top. The little waves on top never effect who we are because they are little, on top, and passing by. We are deep SO Deep!

We are the masters of our sole, we are the creators of our destiny!

We are the creators of our universe!

We can change our sub-cautious mind by correct thinking in our cautions mind!

Correct thinking is positive and supportive to who the higher power would want you to become.

Advertisers and marketers make us think we need this or we need that and then we'll be happy and fulfilled in life. We need to realize that we are OK now and we have everything we need already. We have everything we need right NOW.

Hard is EASY!

All we really need is a clear goal and focus on that dream. Focus, Focus, Focus, remember all the time, remember, every minute, every hour, every day.

What is your goal? Most people don't know so they get default of what ever comes. Make your goals, know what you want.

Create affirmations to affirm your goals and say them over and over and over. DARE TO DREAM.

First, We should build our castles in the air then we should put the foundation under it.

Imagine, Dream, Visualize, Feel, Manifest, Believe, Create

Try it, it works!

Become aware of your thoughts, become aware of everything in the physical world and realize its only the physical world. Remember the other Three worlds.

Have Faith, Have HOPE

Be who you Truly ARE, Who are you Truly?

Turn to your inner self, your awareness behind your thinking, let yourself leave or drift from the mental thought world to a deeper place your deeper inner-self.

Everything, Once born and on its way to its death. This is the way everything has a life window.

Once you are aware of all these things, you are fifty percent there to achieving the life of your dreams.

A plane is off course 95% of the time, its off course most of the time except it always makes it to its target location. It makes the little course corrections over over and over equaling 5% of the time. We just need to make the small course corrections over and over mostly its correcting our thoughts.

Be persistent, we don't have to be consistent. Remind yourself over and over.

Be persistent, Be persistent, in an easy and relaxed manner in a positive and health way.

Don't ever say to yourself I'm "Broke" never say it.

Cancel, cancel each and every doubt

NOW is all we have

Nothing matters in the outside world except for sharing and teaching, what everyone is looking for has already happened to me.

Learn meditation, to become become a better teacher. Let yourself sink into the peace the peace deep inside.

We all have it, you just can't feel it yet because your mind is to active. The mind is a body part who we are is way way deeper that just the physical body.

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