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Thursday, July 21, 2011


Belief creates the actual fact.

William James

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Your brain is the most amazing super-computer on the planet and you are the commander.

You are 100% in control of your own brain thoughts and what you think really does matter.

You can stop negative thoughts. Think of them as garbage, seriously, they are trash that clutters up your brain and diverts energy from all the other positive things you could be thinking about. How many of you can relate to thinking that you can’t do something, or thinking that someone will be angry or irritated if you do, or thinking you will be humiliated if you carry out an action? What about those thoughts that tell you you’re afraid of heights, or that you can’t take a trip because it’s too expensive?

Believe it or not, we ALL have those little negative, nagging thoughts. How well do you control your thoughts? I’m here to tell you that it does take practice. The first step is to recognize that they occur. You begin paying attention and being conscious. Begin noticing just what it is that’s going on inside that head of yours.

So, now you’re probably asking, what can I do? Well, that is an excellent question! Here’s the answer… whenever you think of garbage thoughts (and only you know what those negative garbage thoughts are for you personally), say to yourself out loud “CANCEL, CANCEL!“ This SIMPLE and EASY step trains your brain to disregard the garbage. You interrupt the negative thought and stop it. This seemingly simple technique is so powerful because it trains your brain so that it knows what you no longer want. It keeps your thoughts focused on what you do want. Now, how cool is that? I learned this little technique over 5 years ago and still use it today! Why not… it works!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fun, Simple, Easy, Fast, Happy! yaaaaa Say It!

Affirmations and your brain

Smile! Your world is a reflection of YOU.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

Easy is Good

Easy Is GOOD!

Fast Is Easy!

Easy Is Fast!

We make a choice to be Happy Everyday, Being Happy is not an Emotion we feel. Its a choice, choose it and tell yourself Every morning!

We have the Right to Cancel every Negative thought! CANCEL CANCEL and then say to your self the positive thought that the creator would want you to think and become.

Four Worlds

-Mental World

-Spiritual World

-Emotional World

-Physical World

We are the awareness behind our thinking- our mind is a body part we have to learn to use it in was that is helping us and supporting us to accomplish the Good!
We only see the Physical World Every day as we live life. We see homes, cars, working people, trees, grass, things, things, things, and more things.

You will be what you will to be.

The human will, that silent force unseen can hew its way to any GOAL!

The wise Work and Wait! Wait upon the lord with understanding that all does happen on His TIME.

What is Time? Do we know? We have tried to bridal an understanding but time is limitless and infinite!

Affirmations with Emotion + The Secret

Two-Mastermind Principles Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill

Everything that ever happens, happens twice

Everything that ever happens, happens twice. First, when you think it and second when you do it.

Yes, you can do it. If you can think it, then you can do it.

Every thought sows a seed.

Every thought sows a seed for good or bad.

You better be careful because whatever you are planting/sowing will grow.

You will get in return Good things, if you are planting good, happy, prosperous, and abundant thoughts. You will prosper. You will see and receive abundance.

If you are planting the opposite, you will get exactly that!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thoughts Create Reality

Discover the power of your own Mind! Thoughts and Words.

What you think about you bring about. What you thought about you brought about.

Your thoughts and words are more powerful than your greatest imagination.

Keep in mind that your god is a miracle-working god. There is two ways to look at things, everything is a miracle or everything is not a miracle. Choose to see the miracle, and you will see miracles everywhere in everything.

You are a Child of God

Treat yourself like a Temple, Love yourself as a son or daughter of God!!!!!!!

When it is all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run. All they remember is how we have loved.

True self-esteem does not come from the world, physical things, or what people say in the world(compliments).
True self-esteem comes from knowing who you are by remembering who god says you are. You are a child of god.
True self-esteem comes from loving you and talking to yourself with the same words god would speak to you.

You are Young
You are Beautiful
You are a Superstar
You are Gorgeous
You are Fabulous
You are Radiant
You are Vibrant

Now You say it:

I am a child of god
I am Young
I am Beautiful
I am Gorgeous
I am Fabulous
I am Glamorous
I am a Champion
I can do it
I am Radiant
I am Vibrant
I am a Light
I am Unique
I am Creative
I am a child of god

That's right YOU are, Say it to yourself daily!

Create a DMO, Daily Method of Operation!

Take time DAILY to remember and just think these simple thoughts.

You may be thinking Daily??? That is hard!! No No NO, it is simple, fun, easy and fast!

Now you say it:

Simple, Fun, Easy, and Fast

Simple, Fun, Easy, and Fast

Simple, Fun, Easy, and Fast

You can use Simple, Fun, Easy, and Fast for anything that you think "this is hard", "I can't do it", "I can't". You can do anything and use this tool: Simple, Fun, Easy, and Fast

Simple, Fun, Easy, and Fast

Simple, Fun, Easy, and Fast

Simple, Fun, Easy, and Fast
Dream Big!!!!!

The Dreamers are the saviors of the world. Dream, Imagine, Believe, and Create..... We must develop a Vision or Dream for life. As we look back on our life we can now see that it has passed by as if it was a Dream. We can learn use our higher faculties such as Imagination, Visualization, and Belief.

I have a story!
I was on my way from Utah to California. As I was travailing on the interstate I passed 3 hitchhikers. The first, hitchhiker had a sign that said Las Vegas. The second hitchhiker had a sign that said New York. The third hitchhiker had a sign that said Anywhere. I then thought about this and thought you know I could give the Las Vegas hitchhiker a ride to Las Vegas because it is on my way. I thought, I could not give the guy a ride wanting to go to New York because that was in the opposite direction. Then, I thought wow the third guy would go anywhere I want to take him, he wants to be anywhere but here.

We can apply this to our life and why we need to dream, plan, and create a vision of where we are going in life. Because if we don't we get default, which is anywhere! We are saying we will go anywhere life takes us, anywhere but here.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Connecting with People

Sometimes the best leaders are the best Followers.

None of us is as smart as all of us.

Fear- false, evidence, appearing, real

Nobody cares what you know until the know how much you care.

Connecting is all about others.

First, help people get what they want, then they will help you get everything that you want.

You have done so much for us, WHAT can we do for you????????

All leaders are asking, "What can we do for you?" they have learned that life is not about them-self.

It is all about others.

Dreaming Big - Goals, Plans, Begin with the End in mind.

Write your goals down Daily.

I once heard of a British Billionaire who got up early and spent 1 hour writing his goals every day. NO wonder he is a Billionaire. It works if you work it.

Make mp3 recordings of you repeating your goals.

Listen to your recordings while driving, you see we must do something to become aware of our goals daily.

Goals written and then never thought about, never happen! It is a absolute must to listen, read, write, or have a conversation with someone regarding your goals.

Make a DMO, Daily Method Of Operation! You need time, quiet time, planned time to meditate and just think of your goals, dreams, plans.

Programming Yourself for Success

Renewing your Mind, Transforming your Life, DAILY



Listening - Some people listen to the music or the radio, others turn their vehicle into a Classroom.


Reading - We don't have time to read books that are not of worth. Read one good book a year. 52 weeks a year for 80 years = 4,160, if you read one new book every week for 80 years we will read 4,160 Books.. We do not have extra time to read anything but the BEST!





Positive Thinking/Canceling negative thoughts

Dreaming Big - Goals, Plans, Begin with the End in mind.





Thursday, July 7, 2011

We Create Everything in our lives and not in our lives

"If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't you can't. Either way you are right." Henry Ford

Every thought is a seed, whatever thoughts you are planting will grow and take physical form. Create things (thoughts) that you want like peace, happiness, and joy.

Think, Think, Think, it is a Universal Law

YouTube to improve YOU.

Jim Rohn - The Power Of Ambition (Part 1)

Click Here! 

  Click Here!