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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Music - Rhythm and words cause us to remember, remember, and remember.

Music - Rhythm and words cause us to remember, remember,
and remember. Words put to rhythm and music cause us to
have 99 -100% remembrance. Let us examine a few examples of 
this. Have you ever been to Disney land and when on that ride
called “It’s A Small World After All?” O, Yes! You know that
you got off that ride and that Jingle was in your head for
hours. You were singing it’s a small world after all, it’s a small
world after all, and it’s a small world after all. Now you have 
a practical example of how this works and why understanding
it will bring great insight into your mind about how marketers,
advertisers, and artists use this. Learning how it works will
give new ideas into your mind and then you get to choose
how it works for you or against you. (I did a You-tube Video,
Google Search or You-tube Search, “Music and the Subconscious
mind” or “It’s a small world after all – Jingles 99%-100 %”
or “Brady Lee”)
Words put to rhythm are remembered remarkable well. Everything
in our universe is in vibration. Let us think about this
remarkable physical body that where in lies our spiritual self.
We are not our body; we are the spiritual awareness sent here
to manifest consciousness while in this form. Who we really
are never dies. Let us ponder on our heart beat, our heart
in also in vibration. Our heart beats without our help, who
is this controlling the heart beat and letting it vibrate in
perfect vibration to keep our blood following and to keep
us alive. Thinking about this universal power or infinite
intelligence controlling our heart beat lets us ponder deeper
into this law of vibration. Now we understand that
everything is in vibration and we seem to remember more and
more of the words as they are sung using rhythm and words.
Could this be because our heart beats to a rhythm and
everything is in vibration so we naturally remember these
words as they are put to rhythm? Think back to your child hood,
did you sing “jingle bells” or “silent night” as a child? If
you did then you can see the power in Jingles and Music
because you have retained these words put to rhythm and
music for how many years now? Wow, incredible right? Now
you start to see insight into why music, words put to rhythm
and words is such a huge part of religion as well. Now, start to
notice the advertisements, songs on the radio, and marketing
messages put into jingles to program you in such a way to
sooner or later use that exact product or service. Can you see
it? Do you get it? This principal is everywhere and it is used for
and against all. Reading, rereading this and listening to my
YouTube recording over and over will give you great insight
into how this is taking place in your life and all over the world.
Understanding this increases your awareness and now you
get the choice to use it for your highest good and for the 
highest good of all. 

Experience, Strength, and Hope
You Tube Search Brady Lee
Google Search Brady Lee

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